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New Professional Program

Music Therapy Now is dedicated to preventing burnout and increasing the retention of new music therapists through resources, quarterly retreats and access to community.

You're a new music therapist but...

You feel isolated and misunderstood.

You are creatively drained.

You are underpaid and unsatisfied. 

You are questioning this career choice.

You are doing this on your own.

Therapy Now
is here for you.

As a new professional within the first 5 years of my music therapy career, I have experienced burnout, unfair treatment, have been creatively drained, felt alone, and almost left the field. 

I believe with the right support and resources, it doesn't have to be this way. Music Therapy Now is the resource for upcoming and new professionals who need resources and support.

Dannielle Caldwell, MT-BC

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MT-BC Track

This track is for MT-BC's who have completed their education,
attained their MT-BC credential and are in the first five years of their career.

Internship to Professional Track

This track is for music therapy students and interns who are working towards completing their education and planning to take the certification exam.

Registration and resources NOW AVAILABLE!
Learn more about the New Professional Programming below.

10 CMTE's for MT-BC's​
Retreat Admission
$250 All Inclusive Package

MT-BC Track

Saturday, September 28th

Fall Retreat

Internship to Professional Track

Date TBA

Winter Retreat


3 CMTE's for MT-BC's

  • 100+ Page Resource

  • CBMT Continuing Ed Resources

  • Interview Tips

  • Job Search Tips

  • Music Therapy Supplies

  • Song Bank

  • Advocacy Resources

  • Visuals

  • Songwriting Interventions

  • PsychoEd Interventions

  • Lyric Analysis Interventions

  • Music Activity Interventions

  • Improvisation Interventions

  • Resources​

This workbook is for music therapy students, interns and new professionals alike.


​Community Groups

  • Exclusive Content 

    • Podcast Interviews​

    • Interventions

    • Resources 

  • Discussion Boards​

  • Direct messaging

  • Intervention and file uploads

  • Authentic and safe conversations regarding the field


Register Below

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