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The Music Therapy Now Workbook is for students, interns and new professionals looking for resources and interventions. This 100 + page workbook includes...


  • CBMT Exam + Continuing Ed Resources

  • Interview Tips

  • Job Search Tips

  • Music Therapy Supplies

  • Song Bank (75+ songs)

  • Advocacy Resources

  • Visuals

  • Self-Care Resources

  • Interventions (30+)

    • Songwriting

    • PsychoEducation

    • Lyric Analysis

    • Music Activity

    • Improvisation​


For continuing education credit, please complete the self-care section of the workbook. Following workbook review and self-care section completion, submit the Opportunity Evaluation Form to


Workbook - 3 CMTES

Participants will identify at least five new interventions that can be incorporated into the treatment plan of any age and population for immediate use.


Participants will identify 5 new songs of varying genre's to expand their repertoire for immediate use.


Participants will identify one area of self-care in need of growth as a new music therapy professional and create 1 action plan to expand in identified area of growth.


Participants will identify and utilize 1 new adaptive material and/or equipment to utilize in their music therapy practice.


© Music Therapy Now, 2024

All rights reserved.

Music Therapy Now Workbook

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